Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Walking Dead: The Game Episode 1 Review

I’m going to be honest; I fell out of love with The Walking Dead TV show on AMC midway through the second season. I loved season one for its interesting take on a zombie apocalypse and that it focused on the characters. Then I started watching season 2 this fall and it just didn’t grow at all. It was tedious, slow and, worst of all, it bored me for a while until I stopped tuning in on Sunday nights. From what I hear it has got much better and the end of season 2 makes up for the slow beginning and middle of the season, but that never swayed me to go back to the series.
When it comes to the comic, I have read the first two trade volumes (issues 1-12) which I liked. But the rising price of comics has kept me from delving into the series (that has changed though as I found The Walking Dead compendium #1 which collects issues 1-48 for a very reasonable price and it is now on the way). So going into the game I had a decent idea of what I was getting into, zombie apocalypse and what it does to humanity, and that was a good enough set up for me.