Wednesday, March 28, 2012

And now the REAL fun starts

The Music Man of Who
So I am a massive fan of Doctor Who (if my blog name and pictures haven't given that away already) and I just wanted to talk about one thing that I never hear people talk about, THE MUSIC. Murray Gold has pretty much been the only constant on the revived series, at least behind the scenes.

His music has made some of the best moments of the show that much better. For example, in Matt Smith's first (full) episode, "The Eleventh Hour"(get it?), Amy enters the TARDIS for the first time and her awe is palpable( this piece can be found here). The piece is like a dream, with pianos and strings softly playing, building a sense of awe for the viewer. We have all seen the TARDIS and, though it is the first time we see it with its new control room, we are all there with her like it is our very first time ever seeing the inside. As the music builds, a choir of women begin to chant and evoke both wonder and a bit of caution, warning of the dangers that can come with traveling with The Doctor. Then, at the end of the piece the music picks up, a strong drum beat and a catchy as hell oboe begin to play. The excitement overtakes you and you are ready to go anywhere with this madman with a box.

 Murray Gold's music is so powerful and awesome, and he deserves a buttload of credit for making me both smile and cry, sometimes at the same time(one of those moment can be found right here). Just wanted to show my appreciation for an incredible composer on an incredible show.

1 comment:

  1. Plus he looks like Christopher Eccleston in the picture you chose. :P
